The company Sirakovi began its operation in 1992, dealing with only one truck managed by its founders, brothers Krasimir and Nikolay Sirakovi. At the beginning of its development as a provider of transport services, the company localize the development of transport activities on the territory of Bulgaria and specializes in the transport of bulk cargo. After a smooth transition in the field of the transport business Sirakovi firmly established themselves as a reliable carrie, which brings the company the expected upswing.
The growth and the development of the company are marked with the expansion of its fleet and fields. Internal courses, which the brothers served, are gradually being replaced by international transport of bulky loads, which multiplies the company's workforce. So the first foreign destinations that trucks of Sirakovi reached become Greece, Serbia and Hungary.
Today the destinations to which freight cars of the renewed fleet of Sirakovi, offering transport of bulky cargos, mainly are Germany, Britain and Turkey. The brothers Sirakovi operate with two separate companies, "Niktrans Sirakov" Ltd. with a manager Nikolay Sirakov, and 'Krasi Sirakov "Ltd., managed by Krasimir Sirakov.
In the years in which Sirakovi work as a provider of transport services, both companies prove their loyalty and care towards their clients, operating in undisputed cooperation in the area of transportation.